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Best of Both Worlds

True Hybrid Campigns, Offline & Online

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Welcome To Made

Nottinghamshire's highest quality magazine reaching the most affluent readers in the finest locations.

Content and photography driven, you’ll find a wealth of stunning features as Made showcases the most compelling people, travel, property, food, culture, fashion and style, celebrating North Notts’ bustling towns and gorgeous countryside.

Made Lifestyle’s readers are typically 35 and over, demographics that hold the majority of Britain’s wealth. Active consumers with the disposable income who are keen to discover and enjoy new products and experiences.

Why Advertise In Made?


See what our advertisers and readers say. Made is widely read and its quality content and feel ensure a longevity that’s best in class, way beyond its shelf life.


Being bimonthly your advertising is out there twice as long when compared to a monthly publication. Having a huge listing of ‘What’s On’ over that period, as well as timeless articles, give the publication unrivalled longevity.


The larger A4 format provides a beautiful spread for your insertion. NB: A quarter page in Made is twice the size as a quarter page in an A5 publication.


Made is content and photography driven (not an ad-mag). Made’s carefully selected content means there’s a section to suit your business and with our beautiful content and photography readers are more engaged and spend more time with your  advert/brand, attracting and maintaining a loyal readership base.


The only magazine to cover North Notts in one publication including all of Bassetlaw, Newark & Sherwood, Mansfield, Bawtry, the City North and a little beyond.


Your advert design is included if required and this service is second-to-none, provided by degree-trained in-house designers with heaps of experience.


Made uses trained journalists for their content, ensuring a quality throughout for engaged and increasing readership.


Printed on the highest quality uncoated stocks for a unique, uncompromising feel of quality, enhancing the value of both the content and advertiser alike. A ‘glossy section’ is also included giving the bet of both worlds whilst adding to its prestige.

To find out more about Made's audience, its reach, the distribution, on-line coverage, the prices, inserts, what our advertisers say, campaign building and more...
...simply download the media pack below.

Media Pack

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Why Print Works

Don't just take our word for it


Consistent, high quality content develops lasting credibility. Ads placed in respected, high quality publications receive the same positive attitude from readers that are associated with the publication itself (known as the ‘Halo Effect’). This means ads can be seen as completely trustworthy and of the same calibre, making generating leads and sales conversions much easier, in turn requiring shorter campaigns.

Advertising with Made helps you take maximum advantage of this compared to other printed methods. Made lifestyle is of the highest quality content, on the highest quality papers (uncoated high-end feel, with additional glossy section), delivered to the highest quality circulation whilst at the same time being accessible to all.


The digital revolution has killed the attention span. We surf with multiple tabs open, we have the TV on while surfing, we text whilst streaming TV shows. Print readers don’t tend to multitask while reading, making them far more receptive to ads within publications.

Made takes full advantage of this. Made is not an ‘ad-mag’ but a content and photography driven publication. Adverts are given space to breathe and positioned in appropriate, relevant sections. Having high quality stories and features, readers spend even more time with your brand which in turn builds awareness, trust, and ultimately conversions to contact/sales.


65% of print readers typically take some form of action after viewing an ad. For example, people who viewed an advertisement were six times more likely to buy the product than the retail average.*

When print and digital advertising work together, results can be dramatic. QR codes, interactive features within print ads, free download offers or social media URLs has helped to create a bridge between the print-digital divide, encouraging engagement with brands online and inevitably help to drive more traffic and create awareness.

Embracing the many advantages of print advertising and adding it to your marketing mix, you can leverage the power of both print and digital to create the improved awareness and revenue (ROI – return on investment). Made not only publishes it’s physical magazine digitally online to read for free, but also provides the ability to build hybrid campaigns to take advantage of both its online and offline outlets.


The larger A4 format provides a beautiful spread for your insertion. NB: A quarter page in Made is twice the size as a quarter page in an A5 publication.


Official studies show that ‘Influencers’, those consumers who have the ability to sway other consumers, are more influenced themselves by printed ads (over 50%) within magazines.

*Nielson Global Trust