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fall in love with autumn

How To Fall In Love With Autumn

Members of the Wellness Network online offer gems from their individual expertise.
 |  Katie Hogg  |  Made News

As we reach a new season, thoughts turn to the change in weather, daylight hours and of course the oncoming change in habits.  Many uncertainties abound still with what we can expect from coronavirus but the one thing we can all address is our health. 


Staying as well as possible, emotionally, physically and mentally is key to facing challenges with greater resilience, energy and focus. 

Some of the Members of the Wellness Network online, all experts in their own chosen fields of wellbeing, have come together to offer some thoughts on how to fall in love with Autumn. 

Lisa Davies:

As the wheel of the year turns and we enter the autumn season, all around us nature is changing. The leaves are turning to their golden hue, the last blooms of the summer are dying away and the sun begins to loose it’s strength. The days and nights are continuing their dance with the night sky beginning to take the lead.

When we observe nature, we feel it’s rhythm, we can witness that it is in fact in a constant expression of change, perhaps most noticeable at this time of year with the dramatic shift of the colour palette displayed.

It reminded me that when it comes time for the trees to let go of their leaves, they don't try to resist the change, the transformation... they simply surrender and let go, knowing that from that they will replenish, go back to their deeply held roots and await the new, the growth that just like the seasons is guaranteed to come.

So, I urge you to consider...

Where are you in resistance?

Where could you simply surrender, let go and flow?

Where could you allow life's magical wonder to unfold, in perfect timing?

So, why not fall in love with autumn, take your lead from nature and simply breathe and let go and grow.

Make every moment count,

Nina Roberts: 

As the tree's shed their leaves ready for rest and regrowth, is now the time for you to shed that which no longer services you, With love support and compassion, take the time to become the best you. Without old leaves holding you back!


Lisa Davies, Get the Edge

Nina Roberts, Funeral Celebrant and Medium at DOT Spiritualist Centre

For more inspirational advice and further information speak to Johanna Thompson, The Wellness Network Call: 07771 884 803   

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