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Chris Collins - ICF ACC. Life Coach.

What Has 2024 Got In Store?

Are you the type of person who’s looking forward to what’s coming your way in 2024, whatever that may be!? Or are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and unsure about facing another challenging year ahead? By Chris Collins, Life Coach.
As we find ourselves at the most wonderful time of the year again, we can choose how we get through it. Easier said then done? If you need to hear some hints, tips and more importantly give yourself permission to be selfish, then read on.

Getting Through The Festive Season

I know you may not like it and lots of us don’t like to hear the ‘C’ word this early. However, before you know it, Christmas is going to be upon us and I, in the past have certainly used it as an excuse to eat what I like, drink what I like and not really take care of myself. Leading to feeling exhausted in the New Year, alongside digestive challenges like bloating, coming down with a cold and experiencing January blues.
lay the debate to rest.

The Truth About Carbs

For decades now nutritionists and other vested parties have argued about carbs. One camp says they’re guilty of being uniquely fattening and metabolically damaging.
in good health

The R.E.S.T Practice

The R.E.S.T Practice Spend a little time on yourself, refocus and find your centre.

Pete Edwards, Thrive Health Management Ltd.

Focus On Fitness, Not Fatness

I get it, many of you reading this want to get lean and show off the new bod’ on a beach somewhere this summer. There’s nothing wrong with that. But underneath the shameless vanity of your upcoming holiday body goal, I bet there is a real desire to be healthy driving at least part of your quest for abs. If that is the case, please absorb this message: It is far more important for health to be fit than it is to be lean. As measured by lifespan, health-span, vitality, injury risk, all cause mortality or mental health, being fit and getting fitter has a deeper, more meaningful impact than...
Pete Edwards, Thrive Health Management Ltd.

Focus On Fitness, Not Fatness

double vision

John Flynn Opticians

Introduces latest technology imaging for 4D ADVANCED Eye Examination in Beeston
Pete Edwards, Thrive Health Management Ltd.

How To Get In Great Shape

The behavioural secrets behind building unbreakable and enjoyable fitness habits.

a walk in nature

Dog Walkers Urged To Lead The Way...

Erin McDaid, Head of Communications & Marketing, Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.
new year resolutions goals

New Year: Old You (Again)?

Chris Collins, Life Coach for Carers, looks a little deeper into the ideals and goals for our New Year's resolutions.


As we find ourselves at the most wonderful time of the year again, we can choose how we get through it. Easier said then done? If you need to hear some hints, tips and more importantly give yourself permission to be selfish, then read on.

Getting Through The Festive Season

Staying as well as possible, emotionally, physically and mentally is key to facing the challenges of the festive season. Members of the Wellness Business Network, all experts in their own chosen fields of wellbeing, have come together to offer you their tips for getting the most from the festive ...

starting to see clearly

John Flynn Opticians

Breakthrough treatment for Dry AMD eye problems - now available locally.
get your health back

It Starts With You!

If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that in times of stress and change, Self-care is vital to making it through, Chris Collins, Life Coach for Carers explains...
Recover from the affect's of COVID-19

Long-COVID & Fatigue

Joanne Pritchard, Chartered Physiotherapist, Physio Pilates Retford.
Back Pain

Back To Basics...

What are the effects of very little physical activity and poor posture on your back? Joanne Pritchard, Chartered Physiotherapist, explains.

new year resolutions goals

New Year: Old You (Again)?

Chris Collins, Life Coach for Carers, looks a little deeper into the ideals and goals for our New Year's resolutions.



Functional, Fun, Or A Spa Themed Sanctuary...

Top tips on creating a bathroom perfect for you. Kelly Roden, owner of Meliora Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms in Bawtry.

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lay the debate to rest.

The Truth About Carbs

Back Pain

Back To Basics...

Recover from the affect's of COVID-19

Long-COVID & Fatigue

double vision

John Flynn Opticians

As we find ourselves at the most wonderful time of the year again, we can choose how we get through it. Easier said then done? If you need to hear some hints, tips and more importantly give yourself permission to be selfish, then read on.

Getting Through The Festive Season

Winter Walks

Winter Ramble

And sleep

The Art Of Sleep

in good health

The R.E.S.T Practice