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coaching for exhausted carers

What’s Next?

Deciding on your next step can often be daunting. Chris Collins, Life Coach for Carers, explains that with a little help and groundwork to set the foundations for change anything is achievable.
 |  Katie Hogg  |  Made News

Have you reached a point in your life where you are asking yourself this question and drawing a bit of a blank?


Maybe you’ve been doing YOU this way for so long that you’re stuck in a particular way of being, fallen out of love with it but now struggle to see other options.

Or have recent times changed your circumstances completely and you now need to find a totally different way forward?

Either way it can be really overwhelming to have to work your way through these situations and make decisions that feel right.

I have a “Miracle Question” for you that will help you if you are more “Heart Lead”, and a simple prioritisation tool for those that are more “Head Lead”. 

(Top Tip – Doing both so that your Heart and Head are heard often brings results that 'feel' more balanced!)

Find a quiet half hour, ask yourself this question and answer it with total honesty and with no inhibitions or constraints.

“What would you do in life if you knew that you couldn’t fail?”

Write down all the things that come up for you and you can then begin to start thinking about:

Why you want to do those things? 

Why is that important to you?

Who do you need to become to do it? 

What new skills would you need? 

What would then be possible?


Draw 3 columns on a piece of paper and write down all the things that you want to BE, DO and HAVE.

For all the things in each list write down WHY you want to BE, DO or HAVE them in a single sentence but if you cannot then cross them off the list.

Decide on the areas of your life which you want to prioritise ie: Work, Family, Health, Finances, Relationships, Social Life etc.

Look at your remaining BE, DO, HAVE “goals” and ask yourself if achieving them will enhance the areas of your life which you prioritised. If they don’t cross them off the list.

Put your remaining “goals” in Top Ten order and explain for each why it is important to you and what you will think/feel when you have achieved it.

Doing these activities and answering these questions will give you some “Seeds Of Change” and a platform to visualise a different future for yourself.

If you can visualise it, you can have it!!

For further details and to speak to Chris call: 07973 179982

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

You can also find booking details through instagram 

  @chriscollinscoach

 Chris Collins Life Coach