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Chris Collins - ICF ACC. Life Coach.

What Has 2024 Got In Store?

Are you the type of person who’s looking forward to what’s coming your way in 2024, whatever that may be!? Or are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and unsure about facing another challenging year ahead? By Chris Collins, Life Coach.
 |  Made  |  Health

Do you struggle to bounce back from setbacks and find it challenging to cope with stress or change? Does it lead you to think less clearly and make poor decisions or perhaps no decisions, even avoiding things altogether?

If this is you and you want to change things up for the better, then you’re by no means alone and I have something on the way that will help!

If you have seen my early editorials in Made or on social media/LinkedIn, you will know that I’ve personally been through some truly life changing events. How do I and others like me successfully get through these challenges relatively unscathed? What makes the difference?

The answer is that we actively work on our Resilience, we do the inner work that lets us see the world through a unique 'lens'. One that stops us from being mentally and physically paralysed by change and uncertainty and allows us to embrace it as an opportunity for growth, learning and transformation, while maintaining our usual levels of performance.

We don’t just weather the storms, we proactively navigate them, understanding that they are not roadblocks but pathways towards self-discovery and personal development.

How would it feel if you could look at all your life’s challenges in this way? Who would it allow you to be? What would it allow you to do? What would then be possible? Critically, this lens is one that you can all get hold of!
Legacy or leaving something behind is really what drove me to become a Professional Coach in the first place, and with that in mind, I’m putting together a free virtual monthly Resilience Group where you can learn, share, and work through current challenges together. Plus, I’ll run a more structured low cost, Group Resilience Training/Coaching programme that launches in Feb 2024 and that will be delivered remotely over Zoom.

It will consist of 7 x 1Hr live sessions over 7 weeks, with a little homework between sessions, plus a workbook that mirrors the training for you to complete and keep at the end of the programme for your ongoing Resilience Plan development.

As always, Neuroscience and Positive Psychology are at the heart of this programme, leaning on the ongoing research and evidence that your brain can, with work and practice, make new neural pathways which allow you to think differently and so act differently in any given situation. You will get to choose how you respond to the challenges life throws at you.

There’s a quote that I’m loving right now which says, “The magic that you are looking for is in the work that you’re avoiding.”

It does take work and commitment on your behalf, and it may feel a bit awkward initially but the more you use that Resilience muscle the more it will grow, gain strength, and deliver you some of that magic you seek.


Zoom Group Session Details & Sign-Up

If you are interested in being kept up-to-date with the free Resilience Group, plus the Group Resilience programme launch, i.e. dates, daytime or evenings, costs, how many people per group, etc, please drop me an email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Chris Collins - ICF ACC.
For further details and to speak to Chris call: 07973 179982
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You can also find booking details through:
Instagram: @chriscollinscoach
Facebook: Chris Collins Life Coach